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Ana biḣtirim ḱuṡuṡiyyatkon

Zhur - Flowers

By Hicham Bourjaili On 7:21 PM Under

Zzhur killa btidbal, ḣabiibe la tizxal
Fi nhaar killna minruḣ, la ticke w la tis`al
L marj milyeen zhur, ṡnubar, xaraayic w zaxrur
W ca`eeyi` nnixmeen, w la Maryam baḱḱur

Law miir ḣarram li zhur ma mumkin ni`bal
L ḣobb max xiṫra biruḣ, ya Miir la tizġar
Zzanba`jameelo ḣakam, ikliilo min ġaar
La miir w la malak mitlo mahma zzaman ṫaal

Yasmiin w laylak, ya maḣla ssamar wi ssahar
L lawz mni Cbaaṫ zahro ḣeemil la ilna ḱabar
L ward kil ṡobḣ byibke, ya ma aṡaayid nażam

Cheedit ḣa`` w la zur, narjis, xanbar w mantur
`Maar `ronfol lal Amar, l ḣobb mic bi zzhur
Iza ḣabbayt nṡof, ma ḣada ḣabb w żalam

Copyright July 09, 2009 Hicham Khalil Bourjaili
Our Lady of Lebanon, Waterbury, Connecticut, USA

English Version


All the flowers will fade, my beloved do not become consternate
One day we all are going to be gone, do not complain nor wonder
The prairie is full of flowers, pine, vine and berries
And red poppies, and cyclamens (1)

Would a prince ban the flowers we shall never accept the decree
Love matches their perfume, O Prince do not be childish
The beauty of the lily is sovereign, its crown from laurel
Neither prince nor king is like it till the end of time

Jasmine and violets, how sweet to sit and chat in the night
The almond flowers have been carrying for us the good news since February
The roses cry every morning, who could count the rimed poems in their honor

A truthful testimony with no deceit, daffodils, ambergris and gillyflowers
Carnations for the Beloved, love does not consist in flowers
If you love be fair, nobody loved and did wrong


1) cyclamens: in Lebanese this flower variety is called literally the incense of Mary.

Copyright July 20, 2009 Hicham Khalil Bourjaili
Our Lady of Lebanon, Waterbury, Connecticut, USA